Benefits of Digital Learning

Digital learning or learning through digital devices has gained popularity over the last several decades as technology has advanced. During the global pandemic, digital learning has exploded with new platforms, novel content, and many opportunities to engage with people, places, and ideas digitally.

So in an effort to be intentional about learning tools, delivery systems and better outcomes for users, what are the benefits of digital learning?

Repeat and Replay

While some digital learning is live, much of the content can be repeated and replayed for clarification and understanding. The ability to hear and/or see the same information multiple times is invaluable to many learners of all ages.


Videos with closed captions are excellent digital learning supports to people who need them including members of the deaf community. People with other challenges including: auditory processing, hearing loss, autism and traumatic brain injury report a preference or need for closed captions as well.

Ease of Learning and Sharing

Digital learning makes access easier as compared to large, heavy texts or reference books stored in one location. Portable, school-based or home tools make access to interesting and memorable lessons far easier than in decades gone by. Creating and sharing information and visual supports is easy for educators, parents, caregivers or self-advocates with just a few clicks. Videos, pictures, or charts can illustrate language more clearly than long prose descriptions. Images can augment speech or text, or even substitute written or spoken language completely. According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s ASD Network, “visuals are more permanent and can be more concrete than speech.” Perhaps this is a partial explanation for our frequent recall of images over text.


Online and digital learning can be more engaging than the more instructive or didactic educational settings of the past. Given digital content and comment spaces, participants are able to discuss, challenge, refute, support and debate concepts far more easily than could be managed with a textbook printed years ago. Digital learners are able to engage with the content and with fellow learners in more enriching ways.

Are there other benefits you have found to digital learning?